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The horse's owner or leasee must be a current financial member. As long as the horse's owner is a member the rider or handler does not need to be one as well.


Refer to the Members List on the menu if you are unsure.


The horse must also be registered (check the registered horses list if you are unsure) to compete at all A&P shows and RAS affiliated shows in the Pinto section.


Horse of the Year qualification and attendance information is under Horse of the Year on the menu.


RAS Rule Book


The Pinto Horse Society abides by the RAS showing rules.  Below is a link to the rule book.  It is important to familiar yourself with the RAS rules if you are going to show your Pinto.



Novice Ridden


A Novice Pinto is one that has yet to win six (6) Novice Pinto Ridden or Open Pinto Ridden classes in the Pinto section.  Once you have achieved 6 wins you can no longer enter in Novice Pinto classes.  If you have a Novice horse you must carry a RAS Height certificate.


All conformation wins for Novice Ridden Pinto's from 1st August 2022 are to be recorded on your horses RAS height certificate. 


All Pinto Novice, Best Registered Ridden Pinto and Open Ridden Pinto wins count at RAS affiliated Shows and North and South Island Pinto Shows.


Conformation wins are from either Novice or Open ridden classes.  It does not include overall Champion or Paced or Mannered classes.


If you already have a RAS certificate you are required to add a green Pinto (Breed) wins sticker to your current certificate. 


All prior wins (prior to 01/08/22) must be recorded on the certificate by the horse owner and future wins will be recorded by the show steward on the day.


You are not eligible for Novice ridden classes after your 6th win.


This does not apply to horses that are already Open Ridden.


Any queries please email Katrina Gosney -


If you require a sticker, please send a self-addressed envelope to


K Gosney

318 Prestons Road


Christchurch 8051


NOTE: due to NZ Post not delivering every day.  It is common for it take 2 weeks to receive your sticker.


We will send instructions with the sticker on where to place on the certificate.


Measuring stands should also have the stickers available.


Definitions of Heavyweight, Middleweight and Lightweight


Heavyweight - heavy type of horse or pony - hunter, cob etc


Middleweight - inbetween heavyweight and lightweight - Riding Horse types


Lightweight. - fine boned horses or ponies


Most shows will have Lightweight and Middleweight combined as one class


Youngstock is judged on age, so the above weight categories do not apply


RAS Height Certificates


Where classes are defined by height, competitors/exhibitors must carry a current RAS Certificate for their horse/pony, except a foal up to 6 months of age, at all RAS affiliated Shows/Events, and must produce it upon request to any authorised Show/Event personnel.


Any competitor unable to produce such a certificate means that the exhibit is ineligible to compete, and will forfeit any awards.


Horses/Ponies to be presented to a showing ring with true and correct markings that match the markings on their height certificate.


Any competitor found to have false markings on their horse/pony when they are presented to the gate to go into the showing ring will be disqualified by the show from their class/section.


Adults Riding Ponies


Adults are only able to ride ponies in the Novice pony class and only if the pony is Novice.   


Adults are not permitted to ride ponies in any other class even if it is split by weight and competing against all heights.  This is a RAS rule that we must abide by. 


An adult is regarded as 17 years old and over.  Age is determined on the 1st August each season e.g. if you turn 17 after the 1st August 2022 (the current season) you can ride a pony in that show season but if you turned 17 in May 2022 which is prior to the upcoming show season then you are not eligible to ride.


For more information refer to the RAS Rule Book.


Pony Youngstock Inhand Heights


You are eligible to compete in youngstock pony classes if your horse is RAS measured as below


Pony Yearling, not exceeding 140cm

Pony, 2 years, not exceeding 146cm

Pony, 3 years, not exceeding 148cm


Trimming of whiskers, eyes and ear hair


RAS have implemented the rule NO trimming of horses whiskers, eyes and inner ear hair. The Pinto Horse Society is fully supporting this.


Please refer as a guide



Hoof Black and False Tails


We have no rules regarding the use of false tails.  It is up to the horse owner if they wish to use one.


Dying of tails is also permitted in Pinto classes.


Hoof black/clear hoof oil it is a personal preference if you prefer to show your horse with clear hoof oil or black both are accepted in Pinto classes.


Colts and Stallions


All stallions and colts must be shown in a bit with the exception of Foals, Miniature Horses, and Shetland Pony Yearlings. 


 A Steward will order any stallion/colt considered out of control or to be causing undue disquiet to other horses from the ring without recourse from the stallion/colt’s owner/exhibitor/competitor.


It is compulsory for all stallions and colts, except foals, to wear two (2) official ‘S” identification badges, one attached to each side of their bridle, at all Shows/Events at all times.


The rider/handler must also wear two RAS official (2) armbands (one on each arm) when in the ring. ‘S’ badges to be purchased from RAS Head Office or ESNZ; armbands from RAS Head Office.


Handlers and Riders of stallions/colts must wear an approved Hi Viz vest at Shows/Events when outside the showing ring. Vests can be purchased from RAS Head Office.


Copyright 2024 by NZ Pinto Horse Society
website design by boomedia

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