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There are four recognised Pinto colour patterns:

Tobiano, Overo, Tovero and Pintaloosa 

Tobiano Pronounced -Toe-bee-ah'-no

Common markings seen in Tobiano pattern:

  • The dark colour usually covers one or both flanks

  • Generally, all four legs are white, at least below the hocks & knees

  • The spots are regular & distinct as ovals or round patterns that extend down over the neck & chest, giving the appearance of a shield

  • Head markings are like those of a solid-coloured horse-solid or with a blaze, strip, star or snip

  • May be either predominantly dark or white

  • The tail is often two colours


Overo Pronounced -O-vair-o

Common markings seen in an Overo pattern


  • The white usually will not cross the back of the horse between its withers & tail.

  • At least one and often all four legs are dark. The white is irregular, & is rather scattered or splashy.

  • Head markings are distinctive, often bald-faced, apron-faced or medicine hat.

  • May be either predominantly dark or white.

  • The tail is usually one colour.


Tovero Pronounced - tow vair' oh

Common markings seen in Tovero pattern:

  • Dark pigmentation around the ears, which may expand to cover the forehead and/or eyes

  • One or both eyes are blue

  • Dark pigmentation around the mouth, which may extend up the sides of the face and form spots

  • Chest spot(s) in varying sizes. These may also extend up the neck

  • Flank spot(s) ranging in size. These are often accompanied by smaller spots that extend forward across the barrel, and up over the loin

  • Spots, varying in size, at the base of the tail

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To qualify for registering as a Pintaloosa the horse must have obvious Pinto patches that meet the required patch sizing requirements as in our colour sizing requirements. They must look like a Pinto with a spotted pattern instead of solid colouring.


The Pintaloosa has the characteristic spotting of both the Tobiano pattern of a Pinto and the scattered spots of an Appaloosa. With the larger patches resembling a Tobiano and the smaller spots resembling the spotting of an Appaloosa, usually on the rump and/or sides. They can also have the Tobiano pattern with the typical blanket of an Appaloosa.

Colour coat (pattern) testing is required



Sabino is a pattern often confused with Overo it is NOT registerable with this Society. It differs from Overo in these ways:

  • The edges of the white areas of a Sabino are jagged, feathery or roaned.   The edges of the white areas of an Overo are more defined

  • Sabinos often have a white feathery-edged patch underneath their throat. Overos don't necessarily have this

  • Sabinos rarely have blue eyes. Overos often do

  • Sabinos often have hind stockings in which the white area seeps up the front side of the leg also, if they have no white stockings on their forelegs, they often have a white patch on the knee

  • Sabino markings are quite common in horses with Clydesdale or Draught horse bloodlines

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